from Twitter

Jan 29 2011

Café Gratitude. I am happy.

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from Twitter

Jan 28 2011

Briefcase after four months of wear; a preview for @holliebutler!

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from Twitter

Jan 05 2011

Procured and assembled Vice Scrutator Vindictus & his fan club.

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from Twitter

Jan 03 2011

So, I finished painting my battlegroup box.

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from Twitter

Jan 03 2011

Loooove souvenir-treats from Japan.

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from Twitter

Jan 02 2011

The end bumper on this Crate & Barrel couch is a thoughtful & whimsical design.

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from Twitter

Jan 01 2011

New Year’s Eve tteokguk by bro-in-law!

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from Twitter

Dec 31 2010

Unironic “1” in place of “!” spotted!!!1

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from Twitter

Dec 29 2010

CHOCOLATE GOUACHE by @choco_mugi arrived safely in USA! What an extravagant package.

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from Twitter

Dec 27 2010

Was not expecting to find Warmachine supplies at Restoration Hardware.

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from Twitter

Dec 27 2010

Getting really close.

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from Twitter

Dec 25 2010

Someone who knows I play Warmachine but doesn’t know which faction I am sent me a warjack. I am thoroughly puzzled

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from Twitter

Dec 24 2010

Our Voodoo Dozen.

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from Twitter

Dec 24 2010

Carafe French Bistro. Croque Madame is coming.

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from Twitter

Dec 23 2010

Powell’s advice cards for people waiting for the next GRRM book.

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from Twitter

Dec 22 2010

Yayy, an excellent book haul this Christmas.

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from Twitter

Dec 20 2010

Jewel Box Cafe. I like this.

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from Twitter

Dec 20 2010

Phew, all basecoats done. On to highlights and details.

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from Twitter

Dec 19 2010

Yeahh!! Drinks by Doug.

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from Twitter

Dec 19 2010


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from Twitter

Dec 18 2010

Christmas card included high-qual Asuka trading cards. My father-in-law is the best.

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from Twitter

Dec 18 2010


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from Twitter

Dec 17 2010


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from Twitter

Dec 16 2010

My first model’s basecoat is complete. Still have a long way to go.

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from Twitter

Dec 13 2010

Got around to my Dvorak ritual on the new Air.

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from Twitter

Dec 12 2010

Getting serious about milk.

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from Twitter

Dec 12 2010

Tonkatsu curry GO

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from Twitter

Dec 11 2010

They don’t call ’em the Iron Kingdoms for nothing.

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from Twitter

Dec 10 2010

Yeah!! Yui and Yaiko guitar books brought for me by our guest!

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from Twitter

Dec 09 2010

Warmachine battlegroup in the office for modeling party. Have to resist taking them out and painting until after d

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from Twitter

Dec 09 2010

Menoth White highlight done and looking pretty okay.

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from Twitter

Dec 07 2010

Menoth White basecoat complete!

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from Twitter

Dec 06 2010

Got some authentic Gruyère to celebrate bonus time.

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from Twitter

Dec 05 2010

Protectorate battlegroup assembled! Only glued myself to myself once.

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from Twitter

Dec 04 2010

Getting serious about brushes.

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from Twitter

Nov 30 2010

Did some more digging. Found terrain, modeling supplies, and… Corwin’s pay stub.

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from Twitter

Nov 30 2010

So uh, there is a trove of Citadel Colour in the office game room. I wonder if I can revive it…

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from Twitter

Nov 30 2010

Planned out my custom, brand-hybrid Menoth paint scheme.

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from Twitter

Nov 30 2010

Wrenched open my old Citadel Colour paints and resurrected them with water.

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from Twitter

Nov 22 2010

PSP, wine, Cheez-It.

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from Twitter

Nov 20 2010

Best party favors of all time, including single Mad Lib, tiny hoodie, and Baxter Stockman. Thanks @madebymoxie!

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from Twitter

Nov 18 2010


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from Twitter

Nov 16 2010

@seaspicy Should I drink this?

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from Twitter

Nov 16 2010

Testing Instagram integration with my photo-journal.

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from Twitter

Nov 16 2010

Oh hey, Knights in the Nightmare and Yggdra Union get! Time to catch up on my Sting games.

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from Twitter

Nov 15 2010

Tankless water heater get!!

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from Twitter

Nov 15 2010

Persona 4 new game plus GO GO

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from Twitter

Nov 15 2010

Another tasty Japanese meal.

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from Twitter

Nov 09 2010

Day: totally made.

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from Twitter

Nov 07 2010

Kimchi gyuudon. Possibly the best meal I have ever made.

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from Twitter

Oct 31 2010

Kawai Kanyu Drop S and Nanten nodoame. Japan has some of the classiest package design.

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from Twitter

Oct 30 2010

Guitars: hanged!!

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from Twitter

Oct 30 2010

Coral painting with utterly bogus scientific info complete! Thanks @hachi for “Smörgåskattsparadoxen”.

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from Twitter

Oct 26 2010

Looks like we got some MacBooks Air.

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from Twitter

Oct 25 2010

ChäoS;HEAd NOAH gettttt!!

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from Twitter

Oct 17 2010

Liberty Bell GET

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from Twitter

Oct 17 2010

Shmancy cheesesteak sandwich, coffee, and デュラララ!!

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from Twitter

Oct 16 2010

The real reason I came.

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from Twitter

Oct 16 2010

The train tickets here are cool.

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from Twitter

Oct 14 2010

Brother-in-law took advantage of the members’ 30%-off day at Kinokuniya — Acony 1 & 2 GET!

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from Twitter

Oct 12 2010

This is pretty clever: making your catalog interactive.

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from Twitter

Oct 09 2010

Women! Set aside your aspirations to greatness. You could maybe get famous though.

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from Twitter

Oct 06 2010

This bird just outside the office door is not afraid of me.

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from Twitter

Oct 04 2010

Strange Journey limited edition GET

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from Twitter

Oct 04 2010

That’s one big burrito. — La Palmera

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from Twitter

Oct 02 2010

Dang, this D&D Essentials book is attractively designed and produced.

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from Twitter

Sep 27 2010

Ikea futon frames reincarnated as elevated attic floor.

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from Twitter

Sep 26 2010

Maeda-Ai-voiced Chihiro getttttttttttt! Geeking out severely.

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from Twitter

Sep 25 2010

Manual of the Planes, p30: best page of D&D lore ever.

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from Twitter

Sep 22 2010

Callisto guild is setting off into the Yggdrasil Labyrinth!

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from Twitter

Sep 22 2010

Etrian Odyssey III… Getttttttttttt!!

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from Twitter

Sep 14 2010

7.5 months later, Ar tonelico III Saikyou DX Combo pack get!

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from Twitter

Sep 12 2010

They changed the Ovaltine packaging again. I guess the hyper-brown approach was not working.

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from Twitter

Sep 11 2010

Minor Cheez-It packaging refresh. Darker red and less bothersome “2 bags” badge.

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from Twitter

Aug 29 2010

Crystal crab!!

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from Twitter

Aug 28 2010

That was a fun party

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from Twitter

Aug 27 2010

Beignet time. Thanks @andrewabernathy!

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from Twitter

Aug 27 2010

MSN really knows how to place an ad.

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from Twitter

Aug 27 2010

I think I like Five Guys’ deliberate anti-design.

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from Twitter

Aug 25 2010

I hate trying to decide what to read next.

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from Twitter

Aug 22 2010

Yesterday we had our first gathering at the house.

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from Twitter

Aug 22 2010

Donuts now

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Aug 17 2010

Elevator in sci-fi

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from Twitter

Aug 17 2010

MacBook Air decapitation complete! I now have the slimmest little desktop Mac.

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from Twitter

Aug 15 2010

Comike is going on *right now.* : RT @choco_mugi 開始なう

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from Twitter

Aug 13 2010

JVH is in town; we ate a ton of delicious sushi at Kisaku:

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from Twitter

Aug 12 2010

Replica 16th century Flemish globe GET!

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from Twitter

Aug 11 2010


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Aug 11 2010

Fixing my MacBook Air. The battery is bizarre-looking.

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from Twitter

Aug 08 2010

Typing your grocery list in Japanese has its cute surprises.

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from Twitter

Aug 08 2010

I discovered the iPhone Japanese-input emoticon button.

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from Twitter

Aug 07 2010

They are taking us to see RUSH… in school buses.

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Aug 06 2010

Elevating my speakers made a huge improvement. Glad I saved all these old business cards.

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from Twitter

Aug 05 2010

Audioengine 2s get! They came in dicebags in a box in a box in a box.

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from Twitter

Aug 04 2010

Greatest gas station logo of all time: Sinclair.

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from Twitter

Aug 04 2010

Mario Kart fans: it is just as hard to avoid falling off the edge in real life.

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from Twitter

Aug 04 2010

Swan Valley is a decent place to stop for gas.

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Aug 03 2010

As advertised:

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Aug 03 2010

Old Faithful GET!!

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Aug 02 2010

A much clearer design:

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